Bettermen Solutions
It’s a fact: men who report having a better work-life balance are more productive in their work and more loyal to their employers. Bettermen Solutions recognizes that working dads face unique challenges. Our workshops, seminars and keynotes will leave your personnel inspired and equipped with the practical skills they need to improve their family relationships and work productivity.
Equally Shared Parenting
Online resource for parents who aspire to share as equals in raising their children, earning the family income, caring for their home, and time for personal rejuvenation.
Mark Brandenburg
Michael Gurian
Positive Parenting Solutions
Positive Parenting Solutions provides an online parenting education course that helps parents of toddlers to teens correct misbehavior without nagging, reminding or yelling. They focus on solutions rather than punishment and arm parents with a proven set of tools that empower kids to be capable, responsible and respectful.

Stress Free Kids
Helping children teens and adults manage stress, anxiety and anger while building self-esteem and a more peaceful sleep.
*All information appearing on this page has been provided by the individual web sites.