Monthly Archives: August 2008

A Site That Matters

It’s great to read the work of fellow dads who are digging deep into the larger issues that revolve around fatherhood. Jeremy Biser, best known for his site, Discovering Dad, is one of those dudes. He’s recently launched a new site as well that focuses on “Where it’s cool to be a family man.” Keep up the fire, Jeremy!

In Good Company

Tom Perrotta is one of my favorite authors as well the writer of one of the more intelligent depictions of an At-Home Dad in his book Little Children. So, it really made my day to read a write-up from that ruminates on the At-Home Dad phenomenon with quotes from Mr. Perotta and myself. ThankContinue Reading

Time Well Spent

Yesterday, I had the good fortune to film Ralph Benitez once again. Yesterday was my fourth filming day of Ralph and his family and there’s something really special about being with them. Ralph and his clan are all about the love for family. You can feel it coming into his home in the Bronx. TheContinue Reading

Memories of Water

Swimming with my nearly five-year-old son in the calm waters of the NJ shore was a real treat a few days ago. There’s something special about splashing against the waves with your kid at the beach. It reminded me of swimming with my own dad so many years before. Driving home, Charlie asked me toContinue Reading

Breaking The Silence With A Ringtone

I realize it’s been a while since I last checked in. Chock it up to moving to the burbs while battling a nasty case of strep, a kitchen that doesn’t work yet and two young children running rampant among the heaps of unpacked boxes. Ahh, the burbs. It’s nice not to have people walking overContinue Reading