Author Archives: Dana

More Upsides To The Downswing

If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that, for the most part, people don’t usually do things until they are forced to. Yes, there are always some generous people who make decisions for other reasons, but when it comes down to it, business tends to be business – and forget about really caring for theContinue Reading

If History Be Our Guide….

I recently asked sociologist and fatherhood expert, Dr. Ralph LaRossa, how he felt the current recession would impact the role of fatherhood, given his vast knowledge in this particular area. Here’s what he wrote: “If history is a guide, at least two scenarios may play out. During the Great Depression, a number of men withdrewContinue Reading

The Evolution of (Dino) Dad

Just when we thought that the Evolution of Dad was a recent occurrence, news from 800 million years ago arrives. Scientists now believe that a certain type of dinosaur was an involved dad. Read here for the full scoop. Special thanks to Ralph LaRossa for bringing this to our attention.

Miracles and Magic

The other day Charlie and I were watching the original Miracle On 34th Street and I found myself getting all choked-up. It’s amazing how a movie that’s so old can still have such power. After the movie finished and my son had settled into his bed, I sat for a while, contemplating just why IContinue Reading

To James On His Second Birthday

Dear James, It never ceases to amaze me how you and your brother are growing up so fast. You have done so many incredible things this past year. You learned to walk. You discovered your favorite color (yellow.) You learned to talk. You figured out how to get along with people. Before you were bornContinue Reading

This Boat Needs To Float

You know things are bad with the economy when one’s child comes home from nursery school with a note addressing the country’s financial situation. This is what Charlie had in his backpack today. I felt that it is worth sharing: “So.. We are in a very difficult economic time (an understatement.) Hopefully, this situation willContinue Reading

To Charlie On His Fifth Birthday

My Dear Son Charlie, As is the yearly custom, I’m stunned once again that you are now another year older. I can’t believe that you are Five. It only seems a second ago that I could practically hold all of you in one hand. You have matured in so many ways this past year. YourContinue Reading

The Upside of a Downturn

At the children’s service yesterday for Yom Kippur, the rabbi asked kids in the audience to share what their hopes might be for the new year. My elder son, Charlie, held up his hand and the microphone was brought to him. “When we’re in the store, I hope that the prices of things are less,”Continue Reading

Couldn’t Have Said It Better Than Jeremy At Daddy Dialectic

Jeremy over at Daddy Dialectic has mentioned in the past how we seem to have a very similar world view when it comes to fatherhood and I have to concur. Please read these two great entries he’s put out in the past few weeks: the first about how he feels about the current state ofContinue Reading