Author Archives: Dana

Seeing In Color

We get a lot of very touching emails from people talking about fatherhood, but every so often one arrives that begs to be shared. Here is one such letter… Dear Dana: As you may have seen, my work as an environmental geologist takes me into a lot of distressed environments. Usually urban. I see theContinue Reading

The Story Behind a Picture

One of the final things we are doing with completing the project is to include as many photos of dads and their kids as we can into the film. What’s really cool about this process is not just discovering the photos themselves but oftentimes learning a little bit about what is going on with theContinue Reading

‘Plastic Baby’ Goes to School

In the past I’ve written about how my son has a baby doll, aka “Plastic Baby”, and that he sees himself with her as ‘training to be a daddy.’ It’s something that I’m quite pleased with and have even included it a bit in the movie. But yesterday, something happened that really kind of shookContinue Reading

The Evolution of The Evolution of Dad

When I began this project three years ago, I set out to make a film that explores Fatherhood in every possible way. It was to have an Aaron Coplandesque score with a thundering narrator and iconic images of fatherhood in all of it’s glory. Now, as I near the finish line on this journey, IContinue Reading

Charlie’s Weather Report 1-16-10

Inspired by David Lynch’s weather reports, my son, Charlie, has decided to create his own forecast. Enjoy!

Hidden Treasures

As the film nears completion, one of the things I’m still doing are some last minute recordings of people talking about their fathers. What’s truly amazing about this process is that each interview seems to be like uncovering some hidden treasure that, for a lot of people, has been unspoken for their whole lives. For many it’s a cathartic experience and for me to bear such witness is truly a gift.Continue Reading

Tim’s Story

Sometimes when one is toiling on a project for 3+ years it can be easy to lose sight of the big picture. But then we receive emails from people who come to our site and feel the need to share their own personal stories and it puts things back in perspective once more. Such isContinue Reading

Do Not Change That Dial!

Greetings from the editing room! Just a quick note to share that the rough cut of the film is nearing completion. It’s been an amazing experience piecing this film together so far and I can’t wait to share it with you come Father’s Day. So, any lack of activity on this blog for the nextContinue Reading

Good Work By Good Men

The more projects out there that try to get conversations with men (and women) going the better. I recently came across The Good Men Project and their goal is to jumpstart this conversation via a documentary, book and some ‘unconventional’ conventions. All royalties from the book go to The Big Brothers Big Sisters Association andContinue Reading