Author Archives: Dana

Time Well Spent

Yesterday, I had the good fortune to film Ralph Benitez once again. Yesterday was my fourth filming day of Ralph and his family and there’s something really special about being with them. Ralph and his clan are all about the love for family. You can feel it coming into his home in the Bronx. TheContinue Reading

Memories of Water

Swimming with my nearly five-year-old son in the calm waters of the NJ shore was a real treat a few days ago. There’s something special about splashing against the waves with your kid at the beach. It reminded me of swimming with my own dad so many years before. Driving home, Charlie asked me toContinue Reading

Breaking The Silence With A Ringtone

I realize it’s been a while since I last checked in. Chock it up to moving to the burbs while battling a nasty case of strep, a kitchen that doesn’t work yet and two young children running rampant among the heaps of unpacked boxes. Ahh, the burbs. It’s nice not to have people walking overContinue Reading

Aftershave and Sweet Tarts: Kid’s Write About Their Dads

The National Center For Fathering recently asked grade school kids what their fathers mean to them. The quotes are often humorous and sometimes touching. Special thanks to Lucy Bloom for passing it on to us. Father of the Year Quotes 2008 Easton, 2nd Grade“He burps, but he is a gentleman, so he says, ‘Excuse Me’Continue Reading

Dallas and Javier – A Year Later

I couldn’t resist posting this recent still of dad subject Dallas Hayes and his son, Javier. Dallas’ wife took the picture while they were all vacationing and it’s great to see how much Javier has matured since I filmed him and his dad last year. To learn a little more about Dallas, go here.

New Clip! Fatherhood as Salvation

Sometimes the process of making this film is like a magnet for all things dad. Such is the case with finding Ralph Benitez, a Bronx native, who I happened to come across while on a camping trip at Harriman State Park a few weeks back. We happened to be washing dishes together at a publicContinue Reading

More Messages about Dads From Hollywood

The obvious perspective on how the media treats dads is that fathers tend to be portrayed as bunglers or incompetent in their roles. However, what I keep coming upon, which is perhaps even more unhelpful are the stories told about absentee dads being redeemed by (typically) their grown sons. It’s a message that keeps poppingContinue Reading

Why We Film

From the start the goal of making this film has been to affect change by educating and inspiring more dads to get involved with their kids. Promoting this idea while the film takes its snail-paced time to get made is something that’s always on the back of my mind. Frankly, that’s why I put outContinue Reading

The Hidden Crisis of America

Thank God we hold Father’s Day once a year because if it wasn’t on the calendar I don’t think at this point there’d be much of an emphasis on dads on any day of the year. Barack Obama’s comments about the African American fatherhood crisis is greatly welcome and needed and my hope is thatContinue Reading