Author Archives: Dana

Equally Shared Parenting at New York Times

It does the heart good to read Lisa Belkin’s well researched NY Times Magazine story about equally shared parenting. Kudos to the Times for putting it out on Father’s Day. I know there were a lot of cranky responses to the article – primarily that it somehow took away from Father’s Day by diminishing dad’sContinue Reading

The Potential of Father’s Day

Is there some value to Father’s Day other than the Hallmark greeting card that it is presently? Is there something more to this day than just buying another tie or another golf shirt for dad? Right now, the manner that we treat this day is emblematic of the extent to which our culture values fatherhoodContinue Reading


Just in time for Father’s Day, here’s the teaser trailer. You can watch it here via YouTube or go here for a higher res version. Enjoy!

Dad – A Bittersweet Tale

It’s amazing the perspective one gets talking to countless people about their relationships with their dads. What’s been made abundantly clear throughout the ongoing process of making this film is how much of an impact the presence or absence of a dad has on people’s lives. The unfortunate picture that keeps getting played out overContinue Reading

NC Dad Summit This Saturday

Just got a note about Greg Barbara, a SAHD/punk rocker, who is putting up a ‘Dad Summit’ at his home in Durham, NC. Here’s what they’ll be doing: 3pm-5pm: meet, greet and eat5pm-7p: discuss topics such asa.) dealing with isolation and depressionb.) blogging for moneyc.) financial management and the need to spendd.) life with aContinue Reading

Goodbye To May

It’s funny. Usually May is what I would consider the best month of the year. The weather is terrific and people are outside more. Love is in the air. School is either ending or at least giving way to a summer break. I usually look back at May near the end of the summer andContinue Reading

Wanted: Children’s Stories With Dads as Central Characters

After reading a recent blog from Daddy Dialectic about most loved children’s stories, I am inspired to look into this subject in a deeper way as to how it relates to the depiction of dads. I feel that, just like the way our mass media treats dads, the stories that we read to our kidsContinue Reading

A Nod Back To Daddy Dialectic

Please check out Jeremy Smith’s writing about the impact of moms on dads in his Daddy Dialectic blog. Very thoughtful and I’m flattered he would quote this blog at the start of it. Thanks, Jeremy, for digging deep.

Introducing Sergeant Brian Booker

Hey there! It’s been a tumultuous last few weeks. Between filming the National Fatherhood Initiative’s Fatherhood Awards Gala in DC, prepping for this Father’s Day, family and work commitments and then getting sick for about a week, I’m starting to come up for air. Perhaps the most exciting thing to report is the discovery ofContinue Reading