Author Archives: Dana

A Picture Is A Thousand Words INDEED!

Hey there! There’s a photo book about fathers, called Fatherhood Inc., which you should be aware about. Go here to sample some pages of it. They’re really quite amazing, touching and profound. Robert Houser is one talented photographer. Kudos to him for putting this out. It’s a must-read for all involved dads. Check it out!

The Tell Tale Dad

While on the Path train yesterday I happened to sit next to a father with his six-year-old son. We were in the front train and the son was watching with rapt attention through the glass as the train moved forward through the tunnel. “After we make this turn, the train’s gonna speed up. See?” theContinue Reading

Hope On The Playground

Hey, isn’t it great how the weather is turning? FINALLY! My G-d, I feel like we’ve been stuck in an early March holding pattern with an occasional turn towards the runway of warmth only to be snatched up again by brisk winds. But now it looks like we’re definitely landing. Say goodbye to trying toContinue Reading

A Brief Update and Reminder

Hey out there! Well, it’s been a busy week for all things dad over here. We are hard at work editing the teaser trailer for the project, which will be presented a short time before Father’s Day, so get psyched! It’s going to be really something special and we can’t wait to share it! Also,Continue Reading

When Moms ‘Get it’

Hey there! I don’t usually quote from comments people leave when they join the project’s mailing list, but the one we received this morning was so eloquent and heartfelt, it really needs to be shared. Even more importantly, it comes from a mom who ‘gets it.’ As I’ve written before, only when moms and dadsContinue Reading

Evo Dads at The Huffington Post!

Special thanks to Heather Cabot for including us in her most recent Huff Post blog. Heather is a former TV news reporter and current at home mom who also writes a ezine called The Well Mom. This is a mother who understands and appreciates the importance of getting dads more involved. Go Heather!

Any involved dads out in the Ridgewood, NJ area?

Hey out there. Well, it’s official. My family and I will be pulling up stakes this summer to move to Ridgewood, NJ. We’re pretty excited about the move and if you happen to live in the area, or know other good people around those parts, it’d be great to connect. Shoot me an email atContinue Reading

Bear Stearns and The Great American Character Flaw

In the year between college and going to graduate film school I had the interesting experience of working at Bear Stearns in Boston. It was quite the place. High-powered stockbrokers roaming the halls. The companies name encrusted in commanding bronze letters at the entrance. The smell of financial success. I started off in a mammothContinue Reading

A Change In The Forecast

While I still believe that Gen Y has it in their belief system to change companies for the better in terms of Family/Work balance, it sure smells like a depression is fast approaching around the corner, which will mean fewer jobs and therefore, fewer demands by employees. We’ll see. Now, the good thing about recessions/depressionsContinue Reading