Author Archives: Dana

The Evo Dad View On Maternal Profiling

Reading the stories by so many moms about how they have been discriminated against at the workplace is unsettling at best and horrifying at worst, but it’s not surprising. First, I think what companies are doing is very typical of ego-oriented human behavior. We all like to think that we’re important, that what we’re doingContinue Reading

The Love That Binds

Hey out there. The holidays are over. The New Year has begun and the Evolution of Dad marches onward. There’s really so much to do. I had the greatest luck while in Boston to go to a Celtics game and not only watch the team trounce its rival but also that I happened to beContinue Reading

The Eviction of Eloise

Okay, I know this isn’t about writing about Darfur or what’s going on in Iraq or New Orleans, but I have to let it out. Every morning I read to my boys while they drink their milks. It’s a gift, really, to be able to do this. The experience has made me a sort ofContinue Reading

To War or Not To War

There’s been some activity recently in the media revolving around the ‘Daddy Wars’ term and I’ve been hesitant to support it, but the tide for me seems to be turning in my mind. My hesitancy stems from the whole bloated ‘Mommy Wars’ thing which from my vantage point is a trumped-up concept by the mediaContinue Reading

Seasons Greetings From The Evolution of Dad Project!

This morning my elder son, Charlie, asked out of the blue if we could “make another movie of us on the couch.” I wasn’t even sure what he was talking about until he blurted out as he’d been trained, “Happy Father’s Day!” And then it hit me that this would be another good opportunity toContinue Reading

An interview with Dr. Michael Kimmel

A couple of days back I was fortunate enough to meet Dr. Michael Kimmel at his fantastic home in Brooklyn and film him in his private office. Dr. Kimmel is one of the leading experts on masculinity and having him in the film is absolutely essential. Dr. Kimmel is as engaging on film as heContinue Reading

EvoDads Align with!

Hey there! Sorry for the lag in entries over the past few weeks – due mostly to pushing the film forward in every other conceivable way. Last week I had the pleasure of speaking with Joan Blades, who is best known for being the co-founder of Joan is determined to change the world andContinue Reading

Houston Alexander: UFC Fighter and Single Dad of Six joins Evolution of Dad Project!

About ten days ago I learned from a Yahoo sports article about a UFC fighter, named Houston Alexander, who is a single dad with six kids. What Houston said in the article about how he is with his kids was incredibly poignant and something that needed to be in the film. The article also sharedContinue Reading

Evo Dad Podcast – By Director Dana Glazer

A few weeks back I had the pleasure of being the guest on a podcast with Stefan Korn from New Zealand-based Stefan certainly knows the bigger issues about dads and it was a real pleasure speaking with him. The sound quality (from my end) is a trifle muffled but I hope you enjoy it!