Author Archives: Dana

Gimme Some Truth! – By Director Dana Glazer

There’s been a lot of noise in the media about the so-called “Mommy Wars” which now things seem to be sequeing to “Daddy Wars” – and honestly, the whole thing pretty much makes me nauseous. The deeper I get in the research of this film, the clearer it becomes that most of what we areContinue Reading

Meet The Vachons – by Director Dana Glazer

Over the past week I have encountered three different people who claim to have been misquoted by the Time Magazine article on dads. Their reactions ranged from annoyance to outrage. I’ve been thinking about this ever since and was about to post here about it, when I discovered that Amy and Marc Vachon did meContinue Reading

For Charlie, On His 4th Birthday – By Director Dana Glazer

My elder son, Charlie, turns Four tomorrow. Honestly, I really can’t believe it. He’s such a big boy now. It seems like almost yesterday that I was racing back to Jersey from the Hamptons Film Festival after my wife called me to share that Charlie had decided to arrive five weeks earlier than his dueContinue Reading

My #1 Life’s Lesson – By Guest Contributor David Bohl

I was recently asked by Dana Glazer to write about something I’ve learned through my experience as a father. This really got me thinking, as I’ve learned so much throughout my years of making mistakes, correcting them, learning from them, and attempting to change my habits and behavior to create a better life for myselfContinue Reading

Lessons in Forward Thinking – By Director Dana Glazer

It’s always a good day when I can say that I have gained a fresh perspective on the project. This morning, Jessica DeGroot from Third Path granted me such a perspective. You know it’s easy to look at where we are presently and think that we are so much more improved than we ever were.Continue Reading

Evolution of Dad in TIME MAGAZINE!

It’s always good to see one’s project in print in one of the biggest magazines out there. If you’ve got a hard copy of the latest Time Magazine (with the breast cancer cover) check out the very end of the “Fatherhood 2.0” article and there’s a small plug for the film with a link toContinue Reading

The Invisible New Dad – By Director Dana Glazer

It’s fascinating to me how the media keeps playing the same stories over and over again relating to dads. Just this week, there’s a spate of them in Newsweek. The continuing themes are: -At home dads are still referred to as “Mr. Mom” in the headings.-Todays dads are a bit more involved with their kidsContinue Reading

Third Path – By Director Dana Glazer

Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking with Hanne Weedon from a Philly-operated organization called Third Path. What she and Third Path stand for is directly aligned with one of the main issues I’m covering in the film: how to get dads more involved with their families by finding creative solutions to the balance ofContinue Reading

Playing Catch – By Director Dana Glazer

Today our 10 month-old-son did something rather extraordinary. I plopped a tennis ball in his lap and he grabbed it and flung it back at me. It was one of those dad-son moments that one hears about and I can’t tell you how excited I was. Images of years to come – playing catch withContinue Reading