Author Archives: Dana

More Housework For Guys = More Sex?? – By Director Dana Glazer

There’s been a lot in the news recently about how there’s a correlation about how when men do more of the housework it puts their wives more in the mood. A recent conversation with Sociologist Dr. Michael Kimmel further echoed this. It’s certainly a great headline – at least from a guy’s perspective (you knowContinue Reading

Evolution of Dad Production Vehicle – From Director Dana Glazer

Only with a film like this can one get away with a stroller-turned-equipment-truck. That’s Jamie, my 10 month old, at the wheel. Lucky for us he hasn’t joined the teamsters yet:)

The SAHD Myth?? – By Director Dana Glazer

Recently I happened across a blog entry by Penelope Trunk aka “The Brazen Careerist”, titled “My Own Marriage and the Stay-At-Home Dad Myth.” It was definitely thought provoking and anything that stops to make one think, in my mind is a good thing. Is the concept of the happy Stay-At-Home Dad doing the laundry, shopping,Continue Reading

THE TROOPER AND THE HARE – by Tracy Russell, Associate Producer

Two Saturdays ago, Dana and I had the good fortune to meet dad Kevin Knussman and his family in Easton, Maryland. Kevin, a retired State trooper, sued the state of Maryland in the early 1990’s, upon their refusal to grant him leave to provide care for his ailing, pregnant wife Kim and, later for theirContinue Reading

The Recurring Narrative of Dad? – From Director Dana Glazer

Last week, as I was sitting in my local hair salon awaiting a trim, I noticed an US magazine on the table next to me. It’s cover story was about celebrity dads with an emphasis on how cool these daddy’s are. I perused the pages and there were a bunch of pics of different movieContinue Reading

The Involved Dad:A Societal Paradox – By Director Dana Glazer

Yesterday we went out and filmed some on-the-street interviews around town, asking people how they see the role of fathers. Initially, the responses weren’t terribly revealing as most everyone we spoke with agreed that involved fatherhood is a good thing. I don’t think anyone in this day and age can disagree with that – atContinue Reading

Dad the Nurturer – From Deborah, Wife/Huntress to the Director

I never think of myself as the “breadwinner” in the family, although I most definitely consider my husband to be the primary childcare- giver. He is up every morning at 7:00 AM (I’m a crank in the morning), giving bottles, reading stories, changing diapers, fixing breakfast, doing “potty duty”, with little complaint and often quiteContinue Reading

Family/Film Balance – from Director Dana Glazer

The weather was perfect, the crew assembled, the stars seemingly in alignment for filming on-the-street interviews today. But then…the fateful call from our sitter. She had food poisoning and wasn’t going to be able to make it. Given my wife’s strained back there was no other option but to postpone filming. Such is the natureContinue Reading

Visiting "Fatherneed" – From Director Dana Glazer

I’ve been reading Dr. Kyle Pruett’s “Fatherneed” this weekend and what an incredible book. It really covers the gamut of fatherhood experience in ways that only a book can. Honestly, I’ve felt a bit humbled as Dr. Pruett has made such strives in articulating the benefits of involved fatherhood in this book – and thenContinue Reading