Author Archives: Dana

I Cringed Too – From Marketing Associate Jonathan Trenn

When I saw the pillow get tossed at the little boy, I cringed too. Couldn’t help it. Toss was a bit too fast for my liking and the pillow didn’t seem all that soft. Then the little boy chuckled. He loved it. Because he knew the toss was a sign of love from his dad.Continue Reading

MORE PILLOW TALK – From Associate Producer Tracy Russell

Ah, yes the infamous pillow shot. I must confess that I too am in the “moms who cringed when the dad throws the pillow at his kid,” group. And, I too have been thinking about that basic truth: that men and women are different, so it follows that; of course, fathers and mothers will parentContinue Reading

People Who Live In Glass Houses Should Throw Pillows – From Director Dana Glazer

My mother called me the other day to share that she had watched the “Stay-At-Home Dad – Redefined” segment, which I recently posted. “I loved it, Dana, but there was one part which really made me cringe.”“What was that, mom?”“Where the dad throws the pillow at his kid. I cringed.“Mom, it was a pillow.”“I know,Continue Reading

Redefining the Stay-At-Home Dad – From Director Dana Glazer

I have so many hopes for how the finished film can potentially help the American dad as well as the family unit overall. There really is the possibility of changing people’s perspectives on how we see fatherhood and creating an impact not only on father/son/daughter relationships but to possibly influence corporate and governmental policies regardingContinue Reading

From EvoDad Subject Dallas Hayes…

I asked Dallas Hayes to contribute to our blog and here’s what he wrote. Enjoy! – Dana Good Enough Dad: I’d like to thank Dana Glazer for his kind words, calling me an ‘amazing father’, however I want to point out that that is not how I see myself. I worry that as a subjectContinue Reading

ANOTHER FIX OF…FATHERHOOD – From Associate Producer Tracy Russell

Too much information running through my brain…and yet I’m SO driven to seek out more and more and more… I fear I have recently fallen victim to that curious 21st century condition, web junkieitis. And the really nutty thing is I don’t mind! Thanks for joining me, by the way, for this late night nosh.Continue Reading

A BALANCED MEAL OF…FATHERHOOD – From Associate Producer Tracy Russell

“Please allow me to introduce myself, I’m a man of wealth and taste…” Actually, I am a woman of taste…and debt. The debt part, well, that’s for another blog (the single mother’s in debt support group blog, maybe.) But the taste part, that’s relevent here. I have had the good fortune to become involved withContinue Reading

Happy YouTube!

I posted the Father’s Day videos about a week before the big day and the hits were a mild trickle at best. I would excitedly come upon an occasional email sent to my account that a comment had been left. By day 5 the main video had reached just under 500 hits and I wasContinue Reading

Just in time for Father’s Day…

It’s been an incredibly intense six weeks since I last wrote in. In mid-May a small film crew and I went around New York City and filmed near to 150 people, talking about their dads. The purpose for this endeavor was to make a short Father’s Day Video. The result was amazing. The candor thatContinue Reading