Author Archives: Dana

An update…

The project has certainly ‘evolved’ since I first embarked at the beginning of the year. What started off as a touchy-feely film about nurturing dads has become something much deeper. Tapping into the vein of all things fatherhood has far greater depth than I could have imagined. My personal understanding of how the role ofContinue Reading

How do you define ‘Involved Dad’?

When I originally began this project, the intention was to make a documentary solely about Stay-At-Home-Dads (SAHDs). However, the further I journeyed into the research, the better idea seemed to be more inclusive of all fathers who are ‘involved’ with their kids. So, that’s how I defined an ‘Evolved’ dad. There isn’t anywhere on theContinue Reading

The Evolution Begins…

Hi! Thanks for checking out this brand new blog. My goal is to continually share all things related to the making of this film. The Evolution of Dad Project is perhaps the most integrated film I could be making at this time. When I’m not researching, filming, etc, I’m helping take care of my twoContinue Reading